

Sailesh Naidu (they/them) is a writer, filmmaker, educator, and researcher who explores the relationship between the deeply personal and the deeply connected. They spent the last decade working in the field of education and forced migration with a focus on  gender and sexuality with organisations such as the Nike Foundation, The Open Society Foundation, and the United Nations. In 2016 they were awarded the prestigious German Chancellor’s Fellowship and served under mentorship of Office Chancellor Angela Merkel. In 2021 their debut short film “DogFriend” which they created and produced was awarded funding by the German Ministry of Arts and Culture. “DogFriend '' had its world premier at the British Film Institute, was featured at the Tribeca Film Festival and was nominated for the German Oscar in 2022.  Collectively their works and writing has been featured in the NYTimes, Die Zeit, The Schwules Museum, Gropius Bau, Urania Berlin, LiteraturHaus Berlin, DADDY Magazine, GALDEM, Volksbühne Berlin, among many others.

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